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Lost in Translation? AI's Adventure with Idioms

Writer's picture: Joy MoralesJoy Morales

Today we are going to “break the ice” (to initiate a conversation in a social setting) about idioms.

What Is an Idiom?

For those who don’t know already, an idiom is a phrase or an expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. These expressions are often culturally specific and can be challenging for non-native speakers to understand because their meanings cannot be deduced from the actual individual words.

We have all used idioms without realizing it, as many have become part of our everyday language.

Idioms are used to convey a particular sentiment or nuance and are a common feature in many languages, adding richness and color to speech and writing. They are often used in informal conversations and can express complex ideas in a few words.

For example, "spill the beans" (to reveal a secret), which cannot be understood just by knowing the meanings of "spill" and "beans."

Common Usages

So, let’s “bite the bullet” (to endure a painful experience bravely) and go through some of the most used idioms.

So, let’s not “bite off more than you can chew” (to take on a task that is too big) and start with some easy ones to understand. When something is unusual or unexpected, we can say that it comes around “once in a blue moon” (something that happens very rarely) or if we don’t expect it to occur, we can say that it will happen “when pigs fly” (something that will never happen).

Those Based on History

Some idioms have a cultural history. Take hit the sack (to go to bed) comes from the late 19th century when mattresses were sacks filled with straw or other soft materials.

The saying “steal someone's thunder” (to take the credit for something someone else did) comes from an invention to duplicate the thunder in a stage play. The play that it was built for was quickly cancelled only to have it reappear in another play without the inventor’s permission.

Making An Idiom Purr

Some idioms honor our furry friends.

For example, if it is going to “rain cats and dogs” (rain very heavily) and it doesn’t arrive, you can say that the meteorologist was “barking up the wrong tree” (looking in the wrong place or accusing the wrong person).

If you “let the cat out of the bag” (to accidentally reveal a secret) that’s probably not a good thing. On the other hand, if you “kill two birds with one stone” (to solve two problems with a single action) you might be rewarded for your quick thinking.

Your AI Wizards

Some businesses view AI adoption as a “hot potato” (a controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with).

But at Your AI Wizards is here to “hit the nail on the head” (to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem) and ensure that you do not “miss the boat” (to miss an opportunity) AI has to offer.

Don’t be “on the fence” (undecided about something), with our help, AI adoption is a “piece of cake” (something very easy to do).

Sign up for our completely FREE CONSULTATION at and see how we can make your transition “a bed of roses” (an easy option).

We also offer our Website Data Pro (WDP) option to help identify website visitors. WDP “burns the midnight oil” (to stay up late working on a project or task) by identifying the visitors that are ready to buy now because they are looking. Try our TWO-WEEK FREE TRIAL of WDP to get a taste of what you can do with fresh leads.

Business Sayings

As we can see, idioms are colorful expressions woven into everyday language. Let’s “cut to the chase” (to get to the point without wasting time) about how a small business can be successful that won’t “cost an arm and a leg” very expensive) and that’s finding ways to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your business.

AI is like having “the best of both worlds” (a situation wherein one can enjoy the benefits of two different opportunities). It is an inexpensive option for a small business to help save money with content creation, solution solving and even predicting future outcomes.

Small businesses that have initiated an AI adoption are finding new and innovative ways to start “competing with the big boys” (to challenge a larger or more experienced business or person) and “level the playing field” (creating a fair and equal situation in competition).

Don’t Wait for the Cows to Come Home           

We are not going to “beat around the bush” (to avoid talking about what is important) any further. We are confident that The Wizards and WDP will be the change your business needs to become profitable.

“The ball is in your court” (it is up to you to make the next decision or step) call us today before your competition “jump on the bandwagon (to join others in doing something that is becoming fashionable) and “beats you to the punch” (strikes first).

Not to “add insult to injury” (to make a bad situation worse) sign up today before your business has encountered it’s “last straw” (the final problem in a series of problems) and it’s too late to make the AI change you need!

Visit for more information about WDP and how it can change how you look at your website visitors.

Your AIWizards and WDP have arrived “just in the nick of time” (to arrive or finish something at the very last possible instant something is due) for 2024 and your best year yet.

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