Gotta Love Those Crazy Romans
Love and romance have a rich history, one that can be traced back thousands of years to our ancestors.
The Ancient Greeks had multiple words for love to capture its many forms, from the passionate, lustful love (eros) to spiritual, divine love (agape). They told tales of lovers like Orpheus and Eurydice as well as Hercules and his many romantic escapades.
The Romans were less philosophical but still revered love and fertility, as seen in their celebration of Lupercalia each February. During this festival men stripped naked and spanked young women in the streets as a fertility ritual and chance for singles to meet and court. Kind of makes you thankful for the dating apps of today, doesn’t it?
While love has always stirred passion and romance, it wasn’t until later eras that affection emerged as a celebrated ideal. As Christianity spread across Europe, the concept of courtly, devoted love developed around stories of saints like Valentine. While details are sparse, legend tells of Saint Valentine secretly holding marriage ceremonies for soldiers forbidden to marry. He was executed by Roman authorities in 270 AD.
In the Middle Ages, poet Geoffrey Chaucer and other writers began linking Saint Valentine to the concept of courtly love. Exchanging cards, flowers and sweets was popular amongst European nobility who would have lavish parties in February. By the 1500s people celebrated Valentine’s Day as a chance to express their love, often anonymously or secretly.
Can’t Buy Me Love…or can you?
Over time, Valentine's legacy transformed into traditions of cards and courtship rituals amongst nobility and commoners alike. By the modern era, mass-produced tokens allowed anyone to partake in February romance.
It wasn’t until the 1840s that the holiday grew into its familiar form. The mass production of greeting cards helped popularize the practice of exchanging Valentine’s with loved ones far and wide. Confections like chocolate and conversation candies became affordable treats anyone could use to say, “I love you.” The decorative, lacey styles of Victorian cards set precedents still followed today.
Technology has undoubtedly changed society over the years. Yet some things remain constant in the human heart, like the desire to connect with loved ones. The right innovations can support that timeless romantic spirit.
Now Valentine’s tops most holidays for candy sales, seeing over $2 billion just in the United States. Over 190 million cards are exchanged by couples, friends, and teachers. Hearts, roses, cupid figures and the popular poem “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue” remain hallmarks in this celebration of affection.
For Valentine's Day in 2024, spending in the United States is estimated to total $25.8 billion. To show that the holiday is truly timeless, according to information from the National Retail Federation (NRF), gift cards are a choice for 19% of consumers, though the total spending in this category is not specified.
Love, Exciting and New
While technology has changed much over time, it can’t replace that rush of emotions that comes from exchanging Valentines with someone special. But Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming businesses, especially small ones, for the better when it comes to improving customer and employee happiness.
Tools that use natural language processing can understand customer questions and feedback, then suggest responses to improve satisfaction. AI chatbots make this automated, personalized attention scalable across communication channels.
For employees, AI takes over tedious tasks like data entry and organization so they can focus on more fulfilling, creative work. It provides data analytics and insights from across systems to improve decision making. The power of AI lets startups act smarter and more efficiently.
While AI may not pen sonnets or order flower deliveries (yet!), its analytical capabilities provide understanding that can resonate almost like love. This Valentine's Day, consider how AI can optimize operations with care.
The Power of Love
Your AI Wizards know that to truly love and adopt AI you may need some assistance.
We offer a FREE consultation to talk about where you might be able to use AI for your daily operations. Our goal is to find you the best solutions for your needs. We then help you implement these solutions, ensuring that they are working to your specifications. We will also train you and your staff on how to use the solutions.
Our Website Data Pro (WDP) tool is also highly recommended to find website visitors so that you can market to them immediately. We are confident that AI and WDP will have you talking about how much you love your newfound leads and how AI is helping you to market to them.
Life may be like a box of chocolates, but with our assistance you won’t be surprised at what you get.
So, while AI may not write romantic poems or order flowers automatically (yet), it can help create businesses powered by understanding, intelligence and care, almost like love itself!
This Valentine’s Day, consider how AI can bring you and your profits closer.
Visit www.NPMarketingGroup.com to see more about Website Data Pro. You'll love what you see. Also subscribe to our YouTube channel for great lessons and our podcast, Shift Happens.
Let's continue to drive down Lover's Lane to profits in 2024.